

Two elements of an individual’s capacity for work must be in alignment for true passion to flower. The individual must be both willing and able.


When script writing, your script, also known as a screenplay, should detail character dialogue, scene settings, and actions that take place throughout a film, TV show, or another visual story. Your screenplay should properly tell your film’s entire story from start to finish because it’s a blueprint of the plot and character development before the film comes to life on screen.


The movie camera, film camera, or cine-camera is a type of photographic camera (but not a still camera) that takes a rapid sequence of photos on an image sensor or on a film. This invention was a huge leap forward for our world. There were tons of scientists experimenting with this technology, but none had perfected it.


A shot taken by a camera mounted on a moving crane or jib to give the viewer a unique and dynamic perspective on a scene.


cene transitions, sudden sounds, quick cuts, off-screen voices, and narrative flow are just among the many terms associated with the “invisible art” known as film editing. Originally seen as a technical tool in the movie making process, film editing quickly evolved to become one of the most important creative aspects of filmmaking. But as its affectionate nickname implies, not everyone knows much about film editing or how it works.


A dubbing artist, also called a voice actor, is a professional who uses their voice to portray characters or provide information to an audience. Unlike screen actors who appear on screen, voice actors only use their voice to act out or read a script


Music composition is the art of composing pieces of any style. Anyone can compose music even if he is not a musical genius like Mozart or John Lennon. To be able to compose songs or musical pieces we only need to develop some skills, by studying and practicing a lot.


Pre-production can be overwhelming even for the seasoned producer. It requires knowledge of many facets of production, as well as an ability to prevent potential crises down the line. It’s not always easy but if you stay organized, it’s pretty simple. So what is pre-production? When does it start and when does it end? This post will answer those questions and will give a quick rundown.


An outdoor shooting range is a designated place where you can shoot firearms in a controlled setting while outdoors. In contrast, an indoor shooting range allows you to shoot at a target within a building. Public outdoor shooting ranges are open to the general public, and you’re allowed to bring your own firearms and rounds to shoot at the range.


Post-Production is the stage after production when the filming is wrapped and the editing of the visual and audio materials begins. Post-Production refers to all of the tasks associated with cutting raw footage, assembling that footage, adding music, dubbing, sound effects, just to name a few.


Lighting is an integral part of cinematography, and it’s one of the few areas of filmmaking that has infinite arrangements of setups. Like camera terminology, there are many variations of tools and lighting language. In short, it can get confusing. There is no one right way to employ lighting design. A scene could be lit several different ways by different cinematographers, each altering the mood and overall impact of the image. However, there is a basic list of lighting placement. Below is a list of primary light placement terminology and the key points for that placement. It’s important to note that there can be several terms for the same placement. For example; A backlight, rim light, and a hair light are interchangeable terms for having the light placed behind and above an actor.